Urodził się 1 listopada 1961 roku. Z zamiłowania i wykształcenia – muzyk. Najpierw swoją pracę zawodową związał ze szkolnictwem. Z czasem zmienił profesję na aktywność w szeroko pojętej branży informatycznej.
Gdy nawiązałem z Nim kontakt, narzekał na brak czasu dla swojej kolekcji oraz ulubionych – samodzielnych wypraw po muszle /stąd też odtwórcza forma aneksu do IKMM „CONCHA”/. Jednak mimo chwilowego „uśpienia” Jego pasja zbieracza wciąż jest żywa.
“My favorite hobby is collecting seashells and because of that I started diving.”
“As an eleven years old boy I found the first seashells from a foreign country. That was during a holiday in Normandy in the year 1973. Back at home I found a book in the library and discovered that seashells have names. I started writing down the shell-data as the book said. I didn’t realize that it was the start of an extensive hobby. By the planning of every next holiday I wanted to go to the sea and I was lucky my parents often did so. After I married, my wife and I have always gone to the sea during the holidays. A holiday without shell-collecting is not a real holiday for me.”
“My collection started very extensive: self-collecting, buying baskets full of shells, purchases in musea et cetera. My first contact with seashell collectors was during a Congress of Vita Marina in 1985. One of them advised me to chose a specialization, because its not possible to collect all the world seashells. Because I liked self-collecting seashells I decided to choose European Seashells.”
“In many years of colleting I build up the collection slowly. The collection exist only self-collected species. During a collecting trip I try to find species as much as is possible from every place I visit. All the species got a place in the collection and so I try to get information about the distribution of the species in Europe. I visited already many areas in Europe and you can find more information about it on the pages: about the collecting areas. In 1988 I started scuba diving and got the possibility to collect shell grit. After buying a microscope (in 1996) I can find a lot of seashells in this fine material”.
“I started with writing down the shell data in a notebook. I only used it the first year. After that I wrote the data on a numbered card. A complete new way of registration started after I bought a personal computer. I wrote an application in dBase IV in which all the shell data are registrated. The application has a European specimen list with a reference to the literature. It’s possible to proceed through the summaries in systematic order using the CLEMAM-list („Checklist of European Marine Mollusca”, Unitas Malacologica,1997, on internet) or the list of Sabellia et al. („Annotated Check-list of Mediterranean Marine Mollusks”, Societa Italiana di Malacologia, 1990).”
Mały wycinek uporządkowanego zbioru Erika Veldhuis’a.