W tradycji polskiej powtarzamy znane przysłowie o jabłku spadającym niedaleko od jabłoni. Nie wiem, czy normą jest zastosowanie tej mądrości do pasji kolekcjonerskiej, przechodzącej z pokolenia na pokolenie?Jednak pociągający przykład ma znaczenie priorytetowe. Było tak w przypadku miłego Gościa ? Miguela C. Pacheco z Madrytu
Miguel Pacheco pracuje na razie nad kompozycją domowej ekspozycji?Stąd jako fotograficzną wizytówkę przesłał zdjęcie z wakacji na Corfu.
?I was born in 1971 and live in Madrid, Spain. I started my collection at the early age of 5.
My father had a collection of minerals and fossils and I would go with him to buy some from time to time. Every so often, I saw these beautiful creatures in the same shops and I felt appealed by them. My father encouraged my first steps and supported me in the purchase of my initial specimens. When I became a teenager, I gave up collecting and neglected my hobby for decades but my old box of shells always remained carefully stored in a corner of my room.
I started back with my collection again after finishing my degree in Electrical engineering and have continued with it since then.
In the beginning I only collected sea shells that I bought in the few local shops in knew.
Later, I started buying them to foreign dealers directly. But a real breakthrough came when I got in contact with a number of malacologists in Spain that opened my views and help me to understand the full beauty of collecting. In the last 3 years I have been going through the most pleasurable process of knowing tens of interesting people that have also taught me all I know about molluscs and collecting. They also taught me to love landsnails that I now prefer to seashells and opened a world of possibilities such as shelling trips and shell exchanges.
As a collector I am interested in basically any mollusks. I am currently widening my collection of landsnails and freshwater species very intensely but I also look for marine specimens.
For instance, I really enjoy Clausilids and I will never say no to a local endemism!
I am open to exchanges with worldwide collectors. My native language is Spanish, I am fluent in English and I speak basic French?.