Kemal Geyran, TURCJA /Istambuł/

Bywają w życiu innych ludzi zdarzenia, przed którymi należy jedynie stanąć w pokorze, szczerze im współczując. Niekiedy zdarzenia takowe stają sie zalążkiem rzeczy wielkich, rekompensując choć odrobinę wcześniejszą traumę.
Tak właśnie zdarzyło się w przypadku Pana Kemala Geyran?a z Turcji, który przeistoczył ból po stracie syna w działalność służącą edukacji dzieci i młodzieży Istambułu.


Kemal Geyran z tureckiego Istambułu.

?Dear Shell Lovers,
First of all I want to thank you for inviting me to your club.
I am a 54 years old, retired, chemical engineer. I live in Istanbul where I was born. I am collecting sea shell for about 40 years. Like most collectors, I started my hobby by collecting at the seashores. I think I am impressed from my father who was a very good fish chaser. With time, I found some seashell books. The shape and color variations of the world shells struck me a lot. So I started buying seashells from all over the world. I was ordering the most striking, colorful species from different families.
Besides I subscribed to some magazines, like ?Of Sea and Shore?, ?La Conchiglia?, ?Basteria?, etc. I met other seashell funs and we did sea shelling trips in Turkey.
In time, I realized that buying seashells has no end and I should be specialized in some way. So I started focusing on Turkish seashells and relative literature. Micro shells also impressed me a lot.
Today my collection contains more than 1000 species from all around the world. My shells are kept in a closet having enough drawers, inside plastic bags. In my early years, I wasn?t using plastic bags and ?Byne?s disease? occurred in my drawers. I lost a couple of cowry and cones shells.
In the organization of my collection I try to follow the general classification of seashells. Although there are some objections, for Turkish shells I accept ?CLEMAM? classification. To enlarge my collection I rarely buy seashells, instead I am snorkeling in Turkey or around world; I am trawling with fishermen for deep sea specimens. I am also planning to exchange shells in the near future because I don?t? have a spare list yet. After being retired, I started planning to establish a seashell center in Turkey. At the end, in January 2009, ?CAN GEYRAN SEASHELLS CENTER? is opened. I gave the name of my beloved son to the center because I lost him in October 2007 while he was studying in USA.
You can find more information about the center in my web site
The main purpose of the center is to make known the seashells to everybody, especially the children, to create the conscious of the environment to protect it. Besides, in the center, one can find information about ?man and seashells relations?. Also the researchers can utilize the library as well as the collection. One can find my library in my web site.
During these days I am recording my collection to my data base. As soon as it is finished I will put it to my web site. However it will take a couple of months, I thing!?


muzeum muszli ku pamięci Can?a Geyrana (1986-2007).

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I jeszcze kilka zdjęć nadesłanych przez Kemala Geyran?a ukazujących przestronne i zaplanowane z myślą o działalności edukacyjnej ? wnętrze muzeum.