Marc Keppens uwielbia wymiany kolekcjonerskie.
Natrafiliśmy na siebie, kiedy On poszukiwał nowych kontaktów, a ja – materiałów z belgijskiego shell show w Antwerpii, w maju 2007 roku.
Oto, jak przedstawia się Marc polskim fanom konchistyki internetowej:
“I collect shells in a serious way since 1980 and I am interested in all recent worldwide species of molluscs: marine, land and freshwater. During my travels I’ll always look for shells. My collection contains many species collected by myself, but also many others are exchanged with other collectors from all over the world. Some species are bought (shell dealers). I have also written some publications especially about the land- and freshwater-molluscs from Belgium. Naturally I am interested in exchanging.”
Marc Keppens bardzo ceni muszle zebrane „własnoręcznie” podczas nadmorskich spacerów.