W dniach 16/17 stycznia 2016 r. odbył się 51. Annual Broward Shell Show, zorganizowany w Emma Lou Olson Civic Center w Pompano Beach na Florydzie. Jak co roku organizatorem „festiwalu muszli” był Broward Shell Club.
Działalność amerykańskiego klubu przedstawia p. Karlynn Morgan: „The Broward Shell Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the studies of malacology and conchology. Since 1962, the Club has been active in education, conservation and preservation of mollusks (terrestrial and marine). At monthly meetings, the Club members provide identification of specimens and have a presentation by a guest speaker. The Club hosts an annual Shell Show during the first weekend of February at the Pompano Beach Civic Center which provides an educational experience for the public and groups of school children. Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Emma Lou Olson Civic Center, 1801 N.E. 6th Street, Pompano Beach, Florida 33060, 954-786-4111. Meetings include special programs/lectures and a „Sand Flea Market” where shells and other items may be purchased and a raffle. An extensive library is available for the members to use and refreshments are served. There is an annual Shell Show, which is held the last weekend in January, a Spring auction of shells and related items, picnic, fieldtrips, December Holiday party and much, much more. Members are always on hand to assist new members and shelling novices?.

Pani Karlynn Morgan zawdzięczam też zdjęcia z 51. Annual Broward Shell Show”

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11 12A jak oceniano podczas 51. Annual Broward Shell Show? Proszę popatrzeć

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